
Photo Report

In Japan, autumn is called "Fall of Art".
During this season, concerts, paintings, work exhibitions, photo exhibitions, etc. are held in various places.
At the Tatsuno City Hall, exhibitions of cultural circles in the town are held each November weekend.From 9th to 11th, we  the Tatsuno International Association exhibit photograph exhibitions that introduce our activities at the foyer in it.

And we can see "Now and Then of Our Town Tatsuno"


The 24th Waitomo Homestay Program Orientation Has Started.

The 24th Waitomo Homestay Program Orientation has started.

The opening ceremony was held as the first course of the orientation on 4th November .

We headed a lot of guests, including Mayor, vice council chairperson, education chief, etc., introduced the 24th visit team and introduced support staff.
Encouragement such as "I want you to see and hear well, I want you to experience it" was sent from the guests, "It is an opportunity to be a major turning point in the young life."
They learn the culture and history of Tatsuno and New Zealand, centering on English conversation with 8 lectures.

11月4日 オリエンテーションの第一回講座となる開講式が行われました。


We held an interview of selection

We held an  interview of selection  for applicants to participate in the Waitomo Homestay Program.

Although the constant is 8 people, since there are seven applicants, we feel that there is no need to do a screening, but checking by interview is important even in the sense of confirming the will of the students themselves.

Until last year, the interview was done in groups of three people, but since the person who answered at first is disadvantageous, I decided to do it one by one from this year.

The students were also nervous, but the selection committee members were nervous too.



Sala Got The 1st Prize

From September 9th at 10 o'clock
The 13th Japanese Speech Contest by Foreigners
The 17th English speech contest by junior high school students
was done.

Japanese Speech Contest Result
Award for the future is bright : Delfina Viola
Award for the slide-in safe : Tyler Eliot
English speech contest result
1st :Sara Otsuki  2nd : Nonoka Kakiuchi  3rd: Haruka Masaki

Although participants were less than last year, there were many speech with a lot of contents, which resulted in difficulty of judge superiority . There were speeches  with showing  pictures etc., and somehow expressing  in English the  contents difficult to explain in Japanese either.

After the contest, we had a lunch together.

9月9日 10時より 
第13回 外国人による日本語スピーチコンテスト  
第17回 中学生による英語スピーチコンテスト
日本語スピーチコンテスト 結果
未来は明るいで賞 デルフィナ・ヴィオラ さん
すべり込みセーフで賞 タイラー・エリオット さん
英語スピーチコンテスト 結果
1位 大槻咲楽(さら) 2位 垣内稀々香(ののか) 3位 正木春佳(はるか)


The Program Will Start This Year

July 17 At Ozono Junior High School I have been presenting participants for recruitment to the English Speech Contest and the Waitomo Homestay Program.
On the night before the day, I created a slideshow with PowerPoint.
Until last year, it was explanation only by talking, but this time I managed to present with powerpoint in about 20 minutes.

After finishing, we took pictures of the group photographs asking the students for cooperation, "Please cooperate as I post it on the International Association's blog."

On the 19th, I visited Tatsuno Junior High School  during the same presentation.
After finishing the presentation, I was about to withdraw without commemorative photographing.
I've hurry and shot with QX 10 asking to cooperate with TIA's blogging photography.

Eight participants are chosen from among these.
Also, the program will start this year.


Waitomo Garden

We TIA cleaned the Waitomo Garden as usual in June.

Several directors gathered at 7 am on June 2, removed the dead leaves and grass in azalea, and shaped them.

There aren't  these large Maori carvings in Japan expect them.
This is also a proof of exchange with the King Country: Waitomo District !
Please drop in when you come to see Firefly.



The 24th General Meeting of T.I.A.

There was a general meeting of Tatsuno International Association.

Twenty three years have passed since the establishment in 1995, and the 24th action plan and budget plan were approved easy soon as usual.
Participants want to listen to the homestay program participants' experiences, so it is better to complete the agenda quickly and move on to the attraction.

With Mr. Ushiyama's commentary,we were able to see a beautiful photo report by a projector.

The homestay program which started from November last year is also one settlement.
From July, we will start recruiting participants for the next program.
Next year, I am planning to participate as an attendance staff member. It will  be the fifth-time's New Zealand for me.

After the meeting we move to the SUSHI Restaurant , and had a apreciate party for Mr.Ushiyama , farwel party for Anthony and welcome party for Tyler.



We Visited The Mayor

Tatsuno town is a sister city with , Waitomo  District in central part of NZ North Island. 2 "Hotaru" and "Hero" tied the town.
When the time  professor Kinase of Honan Corege in Tatsuno Town, met with Les Munro who was the mayor of Waitomo, thay knew that they were the helos of WWⅡ.   Professor Kinase was Zero Pilot, Mr. Munroe was the British Air Force Bombing Head Coll.
The two helos were talking about there town's sight seenery contents , "firefly" and"grow warm" .

Tatsuno Town wanted the event of commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the town administrative enforcement, so the meeting of the two heloes made the sister city rerationship with Tatsuno and Waitomo.
The signing ceremony was held on March 30, 1995 in the Waitomo district, TeKuiti town.
The Jr.Hi School student's Homestay Program project was adopted as the main event of exchange in both towns, and the exchange project continued from March the following year.

This year, a group of six female students from Tatsuno Junior High School, two boys students from Ryo- Ono Junior High School, a total of eight people were organized a visiting team headed by Mr. Ushiyama  Tatsuno Junior High School teacher interacted on March 20 to 29.
In order to report the progress,.we visited Mayor Takei  and Deputy Mayor Yamada at May 11th afternoon.