
The Year End Party

T.I.A. has the year end party at the Sushi Restaurant SUSHI TATSU.
We tasted good sushi , sashimi and crab. And told much. We could get energy for next year.


NZ Air

I suppose the students will see it in the plane next year...:-)


Waitomo Garden

 We cleaned the garden up in June.
But after 3 months the Waitomo Garden is....

So we do it again...
First of all ,surrounding grass are mown. 
And the grass in the azalea of a border is extracted. 

And then we did inside of it.
Became fine .... 

Come and see the garden please...


Cheering Party

We T.I.A. had the cheering party for exchanging students in March 11.

The students showed the performance of dance that they would do in NZ.  

Tour Agent explained about the home stay.All of them will have a first experience of home staying in NZ.


Orientation for the Jr.-Hi Students


We had the last orientation for the exchanging students, with cooperation by Ashley Alexander
Morris Derek, Maya Katzir, and Dean Frampton.

Before conversation they write foreigner's name by KANJI .  

 After lesson we had a lunch party.
Thank you all !!