
We held an interview of selection

We held an  interview of selection  for applicants to participate in the Waitomo Homestay Program.

Although the constant is 8 people, since there are seven applicants, we feel that there is no need to do a screening, but checking by interview is important even in the sense of confirming the will of the students themselves.

Until last year, the interview was done in groups of three people, but since the person who answered at first is disadvantageous, I decided to do it one by one from this year.

The students were also nervous, but the selection committee members were nervous too.



Sala Got The 1st Prize

From September 9th at 10 o'clock
The 13th Japanese Speech Contest by Foreigners
The 17th English speech contest by junior high school students
was done.

Japanese Speech Contest Result
Award for the future is bright : Delfina Viola
Award for the slide-in safe : Tyler Eliot
English speech contest result
1st :Sara Otsuki  2nd : Nonoka Kakiuchi  3rd: Haruka Masaki

Although participants were less than last year, there were many speech with a lot of contents, which resulted in difficulty of judge superiority . There were speeches  with showing  pictures etc., and somehow expressing  in English the  contents difficult to explain in Japanese either.

After the contest, we had a lunch together.

9月9日 10時より 
第13回 外国人による日本語スピーチコンテスト  
第17回 中学生による英語スピーチコンテスト
日本語スピーチコンテスト 結果
未来は明るいで賞 デルフィナ・ヴィオラ さん
すべり込みセーフで賞 タイラー・エリオット さん
英語スピーチコンテスト 結果
1位 大槻咲楽(さら) 2位 垣内稀々香(ののか) 3位 正木春佳(はるか)